Milan L'è on grand Milan.Milan is a big Milan,ancient national saying

25 June 2014


Today in Milan we have THE SEVESO SHOW.The Seveso it's one of the many rivers runs under the city,when is raining a lot is normal to have this situation,many times 3 or 4 times each year.The city administrators passes,election day after election day but the problem is unsolved from over 30 years,thank to people went to vote incapables,second-rates administrators,payed with the money tax of their own,even's a nigntmare for who have to come to work,the traffic is really slightly mad, from public to private.Thank you city hall!!!and electors.Is a pleasure pay the tax for this stinking and sad show.No one from the public authority or law say nothing.Luckily you dont perceive and see the healthy the smell of  cesspool in the air.