For the last day of the year i'll go for this building decorated with white sparkling CHRISTMAS LED LIGHTS.
Milan L'è on grand Milan.Milan is a big Milan,ancient national saying
Oh my little beautiful Madonna
31 December 2015
28 December 2015
25 December 2015
22 December 2015
19 December 2015
16 December 2015
THE ROCCHETTA,the most fortified part of the SFORZA CASTLE,the last defence in case of invasion.Begin by GIAN GALEAZZO VISCONTI (1351-1402)it was completed under LUDOVICO IL MORO (1452-1508) who commissioned the portico on the third side of the courtyard.Is closed in the western corner by the treasury tower,the most secure point of the castle.In the years many ARCHISTARS directed the works as BRAMANTE,FERRINI,FILARETE.
13 December 2015
11 December 2015
09 December 2015
01 December 2015
30 November 2015
FRANCESCO HAYEZ (venezia 10,feb,1791-milan,21,dec,1882)studio inside BREA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS est. 1776 by MARIE THERESE OF AUSTRIA (1717-1780).You can see his worldwide well known paint THE KISS just inside the BRERA ART GALLERY and visit the painter studio.
28 November 2015
Night in PIAZZA DELLA SCALA.View on PALAZZO MARINO (1557-1563,renewed in 1872-1892) since 1861 the headquarters of Milan's city government it was built for the genoan trader and banker Tommaso Marino by architect GALEAZZO ALESSI.The square was designed by milanese archistar LUCA BELTRAMI (milan 1854-rome 1933) in an area dense of medieval pieces demolished for the new ex novo site.There's no much change since the new square opening in 1858.The lampposts,the cast iron founatin and the flowerbeds around the LEONARDO DA VINCI monument by LUIGI MAGNI from 1872 whic stand in the centre only to remember the genius from Vinci made in the city some of his most worldwide well known masterpieces in Milan one for all THE LAST SUPPER.
25 November 2015
The GALLERIA VITTORIO EMANUELE II (1865-1867) one of the oldest shopping mall in the world.Named to the first king of the kingdom of Italy VITTORIO EMANUELE II (1820-1878) by architect GIUSEPPE MENGONI (milan 1829-milan 1877)connect PIAZZA DEL DUOMO with PIAZZA DELLA SCALA,is Latin cross form with the dome at the center high 47m(154ft) made by iron and glass,on the ground in the center there's the octagon with his 4 sides vaults decorated by mosaics representing the 4 continents,Asia.America,Africa,Europe.In 1867 when it was opened it was illuminated by gas by a special device ran on rails of the around the dome to swith on the gas lights nicknamed the EL RATIN (little mouse) by Milanesi.
23 November 2015
THE DARSENA DOCK a arrivals and departures for ships in the past transporting marble for the MILAN CATHEDRAL,genaral goods.This current location was determined by the construcion of the SPANISH WALLS(1549-1560).Its origin can be traced back to 13th cenury with the SAINT EUSTORGIUS CATHEDRAL pond.It was dismissed for long and only recently restore and opened new.
19 November 2015
The DUCAL COURT.Commissioned by The duke of Milan GALEAZZO MARIA SFORZA(1444-1476),during his reign the castle became the ROYAL RESIDENCE.Designed and made by architect from Florence BENEDETTO FERRINI,decorated by BONIFACIO BEMBO and STEFANO DE FEDELI.
16 November 2015
ROMAN RUINS in the city.The AUSONIUS STONE.DECIMUS MAGNUS ASUONIUS described Milan the fourth century MEDIOLANUM when the city was the capital of WEST ROMAN EMPIRE.It dates back to 388 A.D. in his "Order of Noble Cities" manuscript says:"Everything is wonderful in Milan,the affable nature of the citizens,the circus,the temples" and so on.The stone is from 16th century for the SCUOLE PALATINE building destroyed by fire.A copy of the stone was palced inside the SFORZESCO CASTLE.
13 November 2015
A november sunset with full color sky with the BRANCA TOWER.The tower was built in 1933 in only 68 working days at the end of the MILAN TRIENNIAL,famous is the observation deck with high hospitality bar,restaurant,meeting service,the view during clear days ecompass from the highest and famous summit of the ALPS to PO VALLEY and the APENNINES.
09 November 2015
CIVIC ARENA(1805-1807)ROYAL STAGE.Frescoes by the Milanese ANDREA APPIANI(milan 31st,may,1754-milan 8th,nov,1817).It was opened by NAPOLEON BONAPARTE.It's a necoclassical style and inside can be flooded with water for NAVAL BATTLES.In 1894 and 1906 hosts WILLIAM FREDERICK CODY known as BUFFALO BILL show,who live in the city and love Milan as like no others cities.By LUIGI CANONICA(1764-1844).Some years ago after some difficulties was title to the great journalist GIANNI BRERA.
06 November 2015
A piece of the moderb city history THE CIVIC AQUARIUM(1905).A LIBERTY style building by architect SEBASTIANO was built for the 1906 WORLD'S FAIR hosted in Milan,is the only pavilion surviving from the event.Here's the facade with NEPTUNE and upper part of the fountain,the Roman god of water and sea by ORESTE LABO'.Inside there's even a big library with a great collection of biology and marine publications.
03 November 2015
STRETTA BAGNERA NARROW WAY in ancient times the STRETTA BAGNERA LANE house of the first Italian serial killer or monster of Milan.Considered by MILANESI the most sinister street in the city after hundreds years.It's L shape way,sometimes not wide enough for a veichle.The name is from Stretta(narrow),Bagnera(baths)of Romans in Milan located here.It was home and office of ANTONIO BOGGIA(Como,dec,23rd 1799-Milan,apr,8th,1862),"the monster of milan".Who had the misfortune to visits him ended murdered,haked to pieces with an axe.The choice of this way for murder and to hide the bodies was not casual.It's shape and size of being disturbed by witnesses was minimum.The house of the killer had a cellar only can be reach by an iside house stairway,perfect place to hide the victims.The monster of milan finally was captured and hanged on apr,the 8th 1862.
31 October 2015
The last day from EXPO 2015 MILAN "feed the planet,energy for life",here's the TREE OF LIFE inspired by an opera of MICHELANGELO from LAKE ARENA in a full Italian Flag Livrey,just behind the Italian Pavilion.The tree was taken as symbol of this EXPO from every conutry,organization,visitors since the begin.
28 October 2015
ZERO PAVILION EXPO 2015 visit begin outside with the LATIN written:"DVINITUS HALITUS TERRAE","THE DIVINE BREATH OF THE EARTH".The visit inside retrace the past from the begin to nowdays.
25 October 2015
23 October 2015
THE NIGHT TRAM crossing MISSORI SQUARE one of the oldest in the city based by ROMAN CONQUER from 222 b.c.
20 October 2015
KINGDOM OF BAHRAIN pavilion at EXPO 2015 MILAN.From the official website:"Archaelogies of Green,the Pavilion of the Kingdom of Bahrain,at the Expo Milano 2015 is a poetic intrpretation of the cultural agrarian heritage of the country,which stems from the ancient civilization of DILMUN.With ten distinctive fruit gardens,containing trees that will be fruit-bearing at the different moments throughout the six-months duration of the exhibition,the pavilion also features archaelogical artifatcs that celebrate the millenia long tradition of agriculture and perpetuate the many MYTHS of Bahrain as the location of the GARDEN OF EDEN and the land of the milion palm trees.Built out of white prefabricated concrete panels,the pavilion will be moved to BAHRAIN at the end of the Expo and once rebuilt will serve as botanical garden.The prefabricated components of the buildings,visible through the seams that connect them to one other,loosely refer to the inherent and ditinguished form of the archaelogy of BAHRAIN".For more visit the official website BAHRAINPAVILION2015.COM.
18 October 2015
THE GIUSEPPE MEAZZA STADIUM(1925-1926)commissioned by the president of A.C. MILAN 1899 and the famous tyres factory owner PIERO PIRELLI.From 1947 is the homebase of the two city SOCCER teams (A.C. MILAN 1899 and F.C. INTER 1908).The inaugural match F.C. INTER vs A.C. MILAN had the final result 6-3.According to TIMES it was at the second place as the most beautiful SOCCER STADIUM worldwide,is the largest in the nation has an all seater reduced capacity for more than 80.000 spectators,without seats it was more than 100.000.Since 1980 it was simply known in the city,but even today as SAN SIRO STADIUM,because the only closer city ladmark in the 20's was the church of SAN SIRO ALLA VEPRA.From 1980 it was named to the two city teams FOOTBALL player and 1934-1938 world football champion GIUSEPPE MEAZZA.Dont forget to visit the museum and the store inside if you're in the city and see a match.
15 October 2015
One of the most iconic church and art masterpiece worldwide,the first in his genre.SANTA MARIA PRESSO SAN SATIRO church(1476-1482).The church was erected on a primitive place erected by the archbishop of the city ANSPERTUS dedicated to SAINT SATYRUS the brother of patron saint of Milan SAINT AMBROSE.It was commissioned by the Duke of the city GALEAZZO MARIA SFORZA(1444-1476).Due to the very small space where it was erected,the archistar DONATO BRAMANTE invented the THE ILLUSION OF THE FALSE PERSPECTIVE or the VIRTUAL REALITY.As you see even from the pics you view more depth and larger,in live view is very impressive.A must see if you're in the city.
12 October 2015
One from SAN SIRO riding track.A liberty monument for HORSE RACING since 1920.Built over an old turf centre from 1888.
09 October 2015
THE NIGHT SQUARE in the new part of the city part of PORTA NUOVA district.Named to the great finnish architect designer ALVAR AALTO(1898-1976).
07 October 2015
VELASCA TOWER (1956-1958) break up the city skyline with the charateristic mushroom like a shape form or medieval tower remind.The name was taken from the ancient square dedicated to the spanish 17th century governor of the city JUAN FERNADEZ DE VELASCO.According to the THE DAILY TELEGRAPGH in 2012 was inserted in the most awfuls buildings ever list.
04 October 2015
YURI GAGARIN FIRST HUMAN IN THE SPACE (9,march 1934-27,march 1968)russian pilot and cosmonaut.Spotted during the last street jam in the city,hosted every 2 years in milan by hundreds of artists from everywhere at work.They paint one of the longest wall in the city more than 3 kilometers.May be the biggest GRAFFITI event in Europe.
01 October 2015
CONCA DELL'INCORONATA(Incoronata Lock 1496)so called because nearby the church of SAINT MARY CROWNED(1450-1460)the famous double facade church.It was the point where THE CANAL OF MARTESANA enter in the city.A big problem was to be solved at the time.The difference in level between this canal and the BIG NAVIGLIO.LEONARDO DA VINCI eingineered and improved locks' system for the city,as you can read from CODE ATLANTICUS.This allowed a gradual low opening to increase flow water and easy regulation of the pressure.
27 September 2015
UMBERTO BOCCIONI bronze sculpture titled:"UNIQUE FORMS OF CONTINUITY IN SPACE".The bronze is depicted on the obverse of the Italian-issue 20 cent euro coin.Want to represent the expression of the movement and fluidity.Just inside the 900 MUSEUM with others contemporary art masterpices by nationals and internationals masters you can't loose the visit if you're in the city.
24 September 2015
One of the place i love more in the city is the SFORZA CASTLE (1360-1499),not only because you can meet the city history,not for the DUCAL COURT,THE ROCCHETTA a fortress inside the fortess considered unassailable by enemies during sieges.BONA OF SAVOY'S TOWER.You can see many interesting museums inside with masterpieces by LEONARDO DA VINCI in the service of LODOVICO IL MORO and archistar DONATO BRAMANTE made ofne of the most great RENAISSANCE center around.
21 September 2015
19 September 2015
16 September 2015
SAN MAURIZIO AL MONASTERO MAGGIORE(1503-1518)nun's choir,by archietcts GIANGIACOMO DOLCEBUONO and GIOVANNI ANTONIO AMADEO originally part of the female BENEDICTINES convent.Often compared with the SISTINE CHAPEL to be a blaze of magnificents frescoes by many artmasters.Recently full restored now you can see "THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI" by ANTONIO CAMPI,"LIFE OF SAN MAURIZIO" and "MARRIAGE AT CANA" by BERNARDINO LUINI.Another masterpiece inside was the great organ(see right up)commissioed in 1554 entirely mechanic.
13 September 2015
Some nights go out with firends looking and spotting the city lights.Here's PORTA NUOVA(new gate) 1810-1813 by GIUSEPPE ZANOIA.
10 September 2015
MILAN CATHEDRAL (Milano Dome,El Domm de Milan in local language)dedicated to SAINT MARY OF THE NATIVITY(1386 a.c.)5th largest church worlwide.A landmark for anyone moving around the city,before high towers was built in the city you can see from every point the HOLY VIRGIN for over 600 hundreds years break up the low city skyline up to the highest and main spire,now,sometimes you can see aborts,the new tower and the highset spire more.Well done.
07 September 2015
BRERA historycal district,the name is from medieval language "brera" or "braida" meaning a clear land.In old time BRERA DISTRICT was located outside the city walls,now in the town centre.The word BRERA meaning an expansed land cleared of trees or naturally lacking for military reasons.
04 September 2015
UK PAVILION MILAN EXPO 2015,"Grown in Britain and Northern Ireland",an hive of innovation and creativity helping to feed the planet.From the official site:"To feed a growing global population,we need more creative thinking,smarter technology and increased international collaboration.Grown in Britain and Northern Ireland,aims to raise global awareness of and provide innovative solutions to one of the most pressing challenge of our time-how to feed and sustain an expected rise in a world's population to nine bilion by 2050.Get more virtual visit on the official site UKPAVILION2015.COM.
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