Milan L'è on grand Milan.Milan is a big Milan,ancient national saying

27 April 2015


An upper view from the roof.In the middle the tallest tower is PALAZZO LOMBARDIA(2007-2010,regional gov. headquarter),with the EXPO 2015 LOGO.Just on the left GALFA TOWER(1956-1959),the name was taken from the two streets where the tower have its facades(GALvani-FAra),abandoned from some years and on sale and sqautted one time.In the right a little bit far DIAMOND TOWER(2010-2012).THE MUNICIPALITY TECHNICAL TOWER SERVICES from 1966.Just back to the antennas an hide view of TORRE SOLARIA(2010-2013)highest residential unit in the nation.The part of the city view in this photo is between the two districts called CENTRO DIREZIONALE and PORTA NUOVA.