Milan L'รจ on grand Milan.Milan is a big Milan,ancient national saying

27 September 2015


UMBERTO BOCCIONI bronze sculpture titled:"UNIQUE FORMS OF CONTINUITY IN SPACE".The bronze is depicted  on the obverse of the Italian-issue 20 cent euro coin.Want to represent the expression of the movement and fluidity.Just inside the 900 MUSEUM with others contemporary art masterpices by nationals and internationals masters you can't loose the visit if you're in the city.

24 September 2015


One of the place i love more in the city is the SFORZA CASTLE (1360-1499),not only because you can meet the city history,not for the DUCAL COURT,THE ROCCHETTA a fortress inside the fortess considered unassailable by enemies during sieges.BONA OF SAVOY'S TOWER.You can see many interesting museums inside with masterpieces by LEONARDO DA VINCI in the service of LODOVICO IL MORO and archistar DONATO BRAMANTE made ofne of the most great RENAISSANCE center around.

21 September 2015


Once upon a time as one of the biggest Italian INDUSTRIAL AREA with thousands workers,now converted in university and research centers with thousands unemployed,that's future.

16 September 2015


SAN MAURIZIO AL MONASTERO MAGGIORE(1503-1518)nun's choir,by archietcts GIANGIACOMO DOLCEBUONO and GIOVANNI ANTONIO AMADEO originally part of the female BENEDICTINES convent.Often compared with the SISTINE CHAPEL to be a blaze of magnificents frescoes by many artmasters.Recently full restored now you can see "THE ADORATION OF THE MAGI" by ANTONIO CAMPI,"LIFE OF SAN MAURIZIO" and "MARRIAGE AT CANA" by BERNARDINO LUINI.Another masterpiece inside was the great organ(see right up)commissioed in 1554 entirely mechanic.

13 September 2015


Some nights go out with firends looking and spotting the city lights.Here's PORTA NUOVA(new gate) 1810-1813 by GIUSEPPE ZANOIA.

10 September 2015


MILAN CATHEDRAL (Milano Dome,El Domm de Milan in local language)dedicated to SAINT MARY OF THE NATIVITY(1386 a.c.)5th largest church worlwide.A landmark for anyone moving around the city,before high towers was built in the city you can see from every point the HOLY VIRGIN for over 600 hundreds years break up the low city skyline up to the highest and main spire,now,sometimes you can see aborts,the new tower and the highset spire more.Well done.

07 September 2015


BRERA historycal district,the name is from medieval language "brera" or "braida" meaning a clear land.In old time BRERA DISTRICT was located outside the city walls,now in the town centre.The word BRERA meaning an expansed land cleared of trees or naturally lacking  for military reasons.

04 September 2015


UK PAVILION MILAN EXPO 2015,"Grown in Britain and Northern Ireland",an hive of innovation and creativity helping to feed the planet.From the official site:"To feed a growing global population,we need more creative thinking,smarter technology and increased international collaboration.Grown in Britain and Northern Ireland,aims to raise global awareness of and provide innovative solutions to one of the most pressing challenge of our time-how to feed and sustain an expected rise in a world's population to nine bilion by 2050.Get more virtual visit on the official site UKPAVILION2015.COM.

01 September 2015


 A snapshot from 2011 before the highest tower in the nation for a while was ended(2009-2011) CESAR PELLI TOWER.